Study visit to Norway

On 22-24 June 2016, the project “Modernization of multicultural pre-school and pre-school education methods” “Research visit to Norway” was carried out. Seven project experts paid a fact-finding visit to Bergen, where they visited pre-school and pre-school institutions involved in the multicultural education of children. The program of the visit was prepared and coordinated by the Norwegian project partners Džiuginta Beraldsnes, Alicja Sadovnik and Solveig Karlgraf, experts from Bergen University College. Project experts visited four multicultural kindergartens, observed educational activities, met with kindergarten management, teachers, parents’ representatives, and discussed the challenges and peculiarities of multicultural education. The experts also attended a meeting with partners from Bergen University College and pre-school educators and researchers. During the research visit, the experts from Lithuania gained a lot of knowledge and useful experience about multicultural education methods, which will be used in further project activities – preparation of a good practice guide and recommendations for Lithuanian pre-school and pre-school education institutions.