
QUILL: project update
PSLC is an associate partner in The Quality in Language Learning (QUILL) Project coordinated by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal); under Erasmus+ Programme ‘Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness’ (project number 2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809). See more at HTTP://QUILL.PIXEL-ONLINE.ORG/
The team of Vilnius university, as one of the project partners have completed the Year One programme: 60 Open Educational Resources (OERs) for teaching and learning Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian have been contributed to the overall 18 language banks of the OERs for Higher Education which will be freely available on the project website. Click on the video to see what the project offers to you as a teacher or a learner: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/QUILL-EUROPEAN-PROJECT-111561497676522/COMMUNITY/?REF=PAGE_INTERNAL
We are also inviting you to watch an interview with Margarita Gaubyte, the Lithuanian language teacher who is one of the participants in the project HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=U6MXBGE-GUO