Erasmus+ short term project ,,The New Role of Teacher in the Context of War in Ukraine and Rising Migration“

From 2023 1th June the Center starts implementing the Erasmus+ short term project for mobility of learners and staff in adult education project ,,The New Role of Teacher in the Context of War in Ukraine and Rising Migration“ (2023-1-LT01-KA122-ADU-000128259). We are going to participate in the Gateway English School, where a 40 academic hour seminar-workshop will be held. During them, the teachers, based on their experience will teach the methods and strategies used by the staff of the Center in their work. Active learning will take place – discussions, reflection, group work, etc. The other selected courses, “Intercultural learning and cultural diversity in education” are about how to integrate people of different cultures step by step into the life of society, how to learn empathy, how to break stereotypes. Erasmus learning academy training “Stress and conflict management: the way to resilience and satisfaction” will teach how to overcome stressful situations that arise during training and how to help learners – especially war refugees, migrants – to overcome stress, anxiety.
The results achieved during the project will enable the teacher to have a wider understanding of multiculturalism, to gain more empathy, so that the employees of the Center who have gained more knowledge and experience during the training of the project will develop specific methods and strategies and foster an environment more favorable to multiculturalism. We hope that during the training, language teachers will learn new methods and tools to help teach languages to war refugees and migrants. And what is extremely important, the teachers of the Center will deepen the understanding that currently a pedagogue is not only a teacher, a teacher, he is also a moderator and facilitator, helping learners, especially war refugees and migrants, to overcome all kinds of social problems, helping them to overcome anxiety and stress during training, resolving conflicts that arise. That the employees of the Center will learn stress management.